Hello. How much urine do earthworms tolerate? Obviously, the earthworms in the system described here have no problem with the urine content. Is this due to the dilution with water? Is there any risk that the concentration of urine would be too high, so that earthworms would be negatively affected? My background is, that I compost all my feces and urine in a pile with kitchen and garden waste also of other people and the earthworms I've added on different occasions to the pile have, obviously, all died, maybe due to the high urine concentration? Any hints are highly appreciated. I'm planning a vermicompost-filter as described here for other people, but in my special case, composting the feces and urine together with the other organic waste is a lot simpler.
Because this is a flush system, the worms have no problems with the diluted urine. It passes rapidly into the deeper layers of the tank where the nitrates, etc. are removed (primarily by bacteria) before the liquid component leaves the system.
Thanks, Wendy!